The years of Channel T.V.
A timeline of Channel Television

Towards TV 2000
Time marches on in television – and Channel marches on too!

Talking Technical
For a small company, Channel has kept up with – and ahead of – the times
…the first twenty-five years
The IBA celebrates 25 years of its smallest contractor
The men who made it possible
The chairman of CTV on the pioneers of the station
In the beginning…
The exciting days getting Channel on the air
Puffin and The Road Show
Oscar hits the road
A personal look back
CTV's managing director on starting his career at the station in 1962
Reporting on Channel
Making the news in the Channel Islands
The Television Centre
Opening words
Channel Television moves into studios at La Pouquelaye in 1988
Towards TV 2000
Time marches on in television – and Channel marches on too!
George Troy, televisionary
Remembering George Troy, Channel's founder
Birth of a station
The process of finding a site, designing a building and moving to the new studios at La Pouquelaye in 1988
A moving experience
The benefits of the new studios at La Pouquelaye
A commercial break-through
The new studios also mean new commercial opportunities for Channel TV
Introduction by The Chairman of the I.B.A.
The IBA celebrates 21 years of CTV
A tribute to all who made Channel Television a success, from its new Chairman
The board of directors welcomes you to Channel Television
The hard, lean years of setting up Channel Television
The struggle to get Channel established
Things start happening in Rouge Bouillon
Constructing the studios in Jersey
Independent Television in the Channel Islands
The engineering skill behind bringing ITV to the islands
Up goes the mast at Frémont Point
Building the transmitter
From the Transdiffusion archives
Channel starts the day in 1974
Original audio matched with recreated pictures
Off-air photos taken by Transdiffusion in the 1960s
An audio recording of a CTV closedown from 1970
Sunday 31 August 1969
Continuity from the Transdiffusion audio archives
Channel starts the day in 1962
Original audio matched with recreated pictures
Channel TV Times 23–29 May 1981
A complete Channel TV Times from 1981
Good Evening! I’m Kent Manahan
A New Jersey PBS anchor joins Channel Reports for a week
ITV 1963
An excerpt from the Independent Television Authority's yearbook for 1963
The years of Channel T.V.
A timeline of Channel Television
Test your TV memory
Test your knowledge of Channel Television and ITV between 1962 and 1987!